Intervention Mapping lectures

This is a list of Intervention Mapping lectures.
Chapter 1 - Overview of Intervention Mapping 4th ed.pptx
Chapter 10 - IM Adapt.pptx
Chapter 2 - Behavior Oriented Theories in Health Promotion.pptx
Chapter 3 - Environment Oriented Theories.pptx
Chapter 4 - Intervention Mapping Step 1.pptx
Chapter 5 - Intervention Mapping Step 2.pptx
Chapter 6 - Intervention Mapping Step 3.pptx
Chapter 7 - Intervention Mapping Step 4.pptx
Chapter 8 - Intervention Mapping Step 5.pptx
Chapter 9 - Intervention Mapping Step 6.pptx
Friday 2 December, sublecture 1 - Intervention Mapping step 4.swf
Friday 2 December, sublecture 2 - Anticipating Program Implementation in Health Promotion.swf
Friday 9 December, Anticipating Program Implementation in Health Promotion.swf
IM course 2011, lecture 1.swf
IM course 2011, lecture 3.swf
IM step 2 matrices (2011).swf
Intervention Mapping step 4 - Party Quest & DanceVenture 2011 - master course.pdf

These lectures are in these formats:

PDF, Portable Document Format: these can be opened with prorgams in this list:
SWF, Adobe Flash format: these can be viewed directly in your browser. You do however need a plugin; you can download it for free at of